Sadly, for reasons concerning a decidedly inferior clone of Last Fish to have emerged, and with the creators approval, I now rescind everything written below, with the exception of only basic comments made about the game. A complete shame, really.
Last Fish is likely to leave some apathetic and disappointed while frankly bored out of their minds, others scratching their heads in complete bewilderment, yet a third segment, of which I’m firmly a part, that “identifies” with this abandoned and forsaken fish—empathetic to its plight to endure, and sharing feelings of loss both for the forlorn creature as well as the bleak existence in which it struggles to survive. Did the developer(s) have in mind a deeply personal form of artistic expression (disguised as a “game,” in my opinion), oozing with psychosocial implications while tinged with—dare I suggest—an environmental agenda, or at the very least, the symbolism of one? I have no idea. In fact, it’s quite possible that I’m just a bit sleep deprived and searching for larger meanings where few exist. Perhaps the designer is just some chump who on a Thursday afternoon, decided to cough out the blueprint of a simple “fish eats food goo while avoiding black toxic goo and black enemy foe fish.” Yet somehow I doubt it: Last Fish is visually stunning in its Minimalist design—less a creation in black and white and one more in gradations of glowing light, or a distinct lack thereof. The Ambient soundtrack complements, enhances, and perhaps even defines this starkly beautiful near masterpiece (yes, I did go there). As I touched upon, while this is indeed a game on the surface, and for the user in its basic manipulation, the end result is no game at all—it’s a multimedia artwork that draws the user in to peer down an abyss and bear witness to a world annihilated and left in utter despair. Once again, perhaps I’m projecting a little too much of my own, you know, stuff, onto what I know other people would characterize as essentially a cat and mouse game that’s too oversimplified, monochromatic (uh, hello—that’s the point, I would counter), and plain “booooorrrrring,” but perhaps not. Perhaps I’m being just as cynical as a fate that Last Fish, one can sense, is also fleeing from. Filipe Lemos—that’s the seller listed for Last Fish in iTunes—your team (if you have one, and if you don’t as this is all you, then I’m truly impressed and seriously want to meet you), you’ve created something so “desolate, elegiac, and hauntingly moving” that I wonder if even you know how beautiful and powerful Last Fish is. So to the would-be downloader, if you’re expecting some flashy game with a whirlwind of who knows what bouncing and bursting left and right in a fast-paced and frenetic 3-D landscape, politely leave The Fish and its doomed mission. Otherwise, download it. No free/lite/whatever version. It. And Filipe Lemos, irrespective of whether you cranked this out on a lazy Thursday afternoon, if your intention is never to touch it again and abandon your own abandoned creature, then that would make me even more despondent than I am while playing this ghastly beautiful thing that you label merely a “game.” Please don’t do that. And if by contrast Last Fish represents way more than a Thursday afternoon diversion, and you wonder if anyone “gets it,” know that at least some of us do. Kudos.